Easy memory-boosting techniques- By: Withee Cranfield

Description : Quick Tips For Boosting Your Memory

Many people are under the erroneous belief that they can't do anything to boost their memory. Actually, it's typically thought that your memory will naturally worsen eventually. Actually, not only can you keep the memory capacity you have, experts and researchers in the field of memory have proven that your memory can even be made better. Our focus in this report is to give you a few simple strategies to help you improve your memory.

There's a technique that most experts in the area of memory enhancement and training use that's called visual association. You pick an image and relate it with the word or phrase that you don't want to forget. The two things you associate don't even have to be related or seem sensible to anyone except you. And the secret to making this trick really effective is to make your visual as peculiar and unique as you can. For example, if you would like to remember an individual's name, connect that name with any idea or image that comes to your mind. The next time you see, or speak to, that person you'll get a picture in your mind of the image you chose and, voila, their name will be right on the tip of your tongue.

One other technique that works well is repetition. If there is a word, or perhaps a foreign phrase, that you need to embed in your mind, say it over and over to yourself often. This might sound easy, but it works, and it's an extremely viable technique when you must remember something. Particularly if you are a visual learner, it's wise to write out what you are trying to memorize and then look at the paper every so often throughout your day. This is exactly why flash cards are an effective tool for learning anything that involves memorization, such as a whole new language. You really have to make the mental effort to repeat the information to yourself if you wish to remember it. The bright side to repetition, though, is the fact that it really doesn't take long for the information to be solidly embedded in your mind. Nevertheless, you should practice regularly for this to work. Suppose, for instance, you would like to remember the password for your ATM card but, of course, they advise you not to write it down. Simply repeat the number at least one time a day and it won't be long before it's second nature. Whatever sort of data you are trying to recall, repetition is one of the best methods for success.

When you are attempting to remember or learn something, how your brain is operating at that time will make an impact in your success or failure. In the first place, you stand a better chance of recalling something if you are calm and relaxed. Thus, take a couple of deep, relaxing breaths from time to time and keep your body and mind relaxed. Some kinds of music might help produce this kind of brain state and breathing pattern. No matter what sort of music that relaxes you will help you with this. Even tracks that feature the sounds of nature - like rainfall or waves on a beach - will give you excellent results. There's also soundtracks that create brain wave patterns enhanced by binaural beats that basically put your brain into overdrive for learning. But merely keeping yourself relaxed and taking several deep breaths from time to time will help greatly. Another tip, sit up straight. Great posture will help keep you more alert. When you are slouching over your keyboard or book, you can get worn out and will not remember anything.

Pretty much every person, no matter what they do all day, could use a stronger memory. These tips are a few of the many available to help you, but they're actually some of the best ones there is. Remember, like every worthwhile goal, it will take consistent application on your part for you to succeed. Having the intention of boosting your memory can itself be helpful, because you'll then be more likely to pay closer attention when learning new information.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

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